Monday, March 5, 2007

It was supposed to be a birthday post...

..but instead I too got a warning that my blog is registred as spam and will be blocked if they don't hear from me. So apparently Jo and I are perceived in the world of the internet as a spamming couple.

Anyways - I celebrated my 25th birthday Saturday by going to Whistler to snowboard and eating dinner at a really nice seafood restaurant. I had a wonderful day, and I am so happy both that I could in fact snowboard without being dead afterwards and also that I got 11 wonderful people to go out and eat with me. Thank you!

Today we started the project, which means it will be busy days from now on - Wednesday we will have a process with 16 employees at the BCGEU to find out more about where they are now and which dreams and needs they have. We have a separate blog for the project (or at least we will have when it is up and running), so I won't bother you all too much with it here. By the way you should check out the outpost-site soon (it is not compleetly up and running yet) at

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